
Section Leader - Code in Place (CIP)

Emran Ali - Personal Website | Volunteering

Involvement: Teaching and training the students Python programming
Cause: Social work and education
Organisation: Stanford Online
Description: CS106A is one of the most popular courses at Stanford University, taken by almost 1,600 students every year. It has been developed over the last 30 years by an amazing team, including Nick Parlante, Eric Roberts and more. The course teaches the fundamentals of computer programming using the widely-used Python programming language. This course is for everyone from humanists, and social scientists, to hardcore engineers. What makes Code in Place special? We recruit and train one volunteer teacher for every 10 students in order to create a vibrant community of teaching and learning. We believe that the magnitude of people who want to teach computer science is large and may be roughly proportional to the magnitude of people who want to learn. Why? Teaching is joyful and teaching is the best way to learn both content and team-leading skills. We do hope this course inspires more human-centred learning for all. https://codeinplace.stanford.edu/
Link: https://digitalcredential.stanford.edu/check/3AB800648525EE445912F5275AE78CFDB5C8E71BB33E7E2AF5501C649FAD837EL2x5NlgxQ0txV1QzR3VjTjBSckd0YkN3SzZtbzJpOURDbXdJYmxaR3BkbW9LaGxp
Period: Apr 2023 - Jun 2024

Scientific Journal Reviewer

Involvement: Scientific journal articles review
Cause: Education and Reserach
Organisation: European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES)
Description: I have reviewed several scientific journal articles for the following journal publishers: Elsevier.
1. Journal: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (BSPC) European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES) ISSN: 1746-8094 https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/1746-8094
2. Journal: Computers & Electrical Engineering ISSN: 0045-7906 https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/0045-7906
Link: https://eambes.org/
Period: Aug 2023 - Present